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Coronavirus and CPRE Gloucestershire

An update from CPRE Gloucestershire

The welfare of our staff and volunteers is paramount. Our staff are working from home for the foreseeable future and all CPRE meetings and events that were due to take place over the coming months have been postponed, or are taking place online. This includes our AGM and the District AGMs. We are committed to doing our bit to help slow the spread of the virus.

However, we are still very much here and our work continues in protecting our beautiful countryside. We are working on lots of exciting plans for the future!

We know that many vulnerable people, especially those in rural communities, will be finding this time particularly difficult. We can check on our neighbours and those in our communities who are most vulnerable – by sending a message, making a phone call, or joining an online local community group to offer help and support.

Spring continues to burst forth all around us. New green growth on the trees, a riot of colour from spring bulbs, birds starting to sing again and the occasional sunny day remind us that the countryside is still there for us to enjoy, the countryside that CPRE fights so hard to protect.

Take care of yourselves and each other.

CPRE Gloucestershire