Our consultation responses
We have 6 local District Committees made up of dedicated volunteers, in Stroud, Berkley Vale, Forest of Dean, North Cotswolds, South Cotswolds and Tetbury, and Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury.
Our District Committees scrutinise planning applications and make representations where development would be particularly harmful with regards to the sustainability of the location and/or the impact of development on the landscape.
On this page you can read some of our responses to local plan consultations and the more significant planning applications that affect the countryside.
If you are interested in our response to a case that you don’t see here please get in touch – info@cpreglos.org.uk
If you need help with responding to a planning application in your area, if you are a CPRE Gloucestershire member please get in touch at info@cpreglos.org.uk and we will put you in touch with your local District Committee. If you’re not yet a member get in touch for information about membership benefits or take a look here: Membership