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CPRE Gloucestershire Awards

Do you know of any recently completed projects in Gloucestershire’s towns, villages and countryside which are really outstanding in their contribution to the environment or to the local community and should be specially recognised?


Why not nominate them for a CPRE Gloucestershire Award? Learn more about our Awards scheme below.

Nominations now open for 2025!

How to nominate

Nominations are now open for 2025! To nominate, please complete the form below and email to our office at

Nominations are welcomed from any source; we just ask that you have the project owner’s approval before submission. If you have any further questions, please get in touch with our office.

Nomination form

Our 2024 Awards

On Tuesday 12th November 2024, six exceptional Gloucestershire projects were honoured at a special Awards Ceremony held at the wonderful Elmore Court. The projects were recognised for their outstanding environmental and community contributions, marking a significant milestone for our charity as we celebrated our 100th Award.

The Awards were presented in alphabetical order by our charity’s President, Madeleine Bunting, to the following projects:

Amberley Shop & Café; Arlingham Pound Restoration | Arundel Mill Pond Eel Pass | Churnbridge Row | Restoring Gloucestershire’s Heathlands for Wildlife & People (100th Award) | The Rising Sun Woodcroft Community Pub Project

Learn more about each of these remarkable projects and the reasons behind their CPRE Gloucestershire Awards below.

Find out more

Celebrating 100 CPRE Gloucestershire Awards

Since 2008, CPRE Gloucestershire has recognised 95 innovative and sustainable projects that have enhanced our county’s environment and communities.

In 2024, we proudly present our 100th Award. “This milestone reflects the dedication of all the projects and people involved over the years,” said Richard Lloyd MBE, Vice-Chair of CPRE Gloucestershire.

To celebrate, we’ve released a special publication featuring our journey and a gallery of awarded projects.

Read our celebratory publication

First established in 2007, the CPRE Gloucestershire Awards recognise and celebrate outstanding projects across Gloucestershire that deliver benefits to both the environment and local communities, setting examples of good practice for others to follow.

Spearheaded by our Vice Chair, Richard Lloyd MBE, the CPRE Gloucestershire Awards were launched in 2007 to recognise projects which demonstrate sustainability and result in significant improvements to the environment and facilities for their communities.

All projects are assessed against a set list of criteria with all awarded projects meeting the standards set by a panel of judges:

  • well considered buildings; new, restored or converted
  • innovative use of natural resources, including land and water
  • projects developed by or for the local community
  • projects responding to the challenge of climate change

Full judging criteria

Examples might be:

  • a community shop, recreation facility, village hall or heritage project;
  • buildings which fit their setting, are good examples of sustainable construction and efficient in the use of energy;
  • a new nature reserve or habitat with public access;
  • a community orchard, re-establishing old varieties of fruit;
  • water management projects such as wetland creation, reedbed sewage treatment, or a sustainable drainage system;
  • projects that encourage access to local countryside

A comprehensive list of our Awarded projects throughout the years can be seen below.

Cumulative list of Awards

CPRE Gloucestershire Awards, kindly sponsored by Loxley Solicitors.

“Loxley Solicitors are specialist agricultural solicitors providing advice across England and Wales. We advise on all aspects of property law, with a particular expertise in rural land and agricultural businesses. We deal with the buying and selling of farms, land, cottages and country homes as well as advising on farming partnerships, wills and probate, land and property disputes, sporting rights, agricultural tenancies and planning and development work.

We are delighted to be supporting CPRE Gloucestershire again this year. The charity celebrates innovative and sustainable projects across out county, and we are proud to be supporting them. 

CPRE Gloucestershire have recognised the achievements of so many worthwhile causes within our community and we look forward to seeing who is recognised for their ambitious projects this year.”