Meet our team & contact us
CPRE Gloucestershire comprises of our our small team, our Trustees and our President.
Our team: Louise Chandler Mullins (Business Manager), Matilda Jones (Engagement & Events Executive), Millie Lawlor (Hedgerow Heroes Project Officer)
Our President: Madeleine Bunting
Our Chair: Patricia Broadfoot CBE FAcSS
Our Vice-Chairs: Steve Smith and Richard Lloyd
We are fortunate to have a Board of eight Trustees, all passionate about protecting and enhancing Gloucestershire’s countryside. Find out more about our Trustees below.

Contact us
Email us…
Please email the office at We can then direct your message to the right place.
Phone us…
Call the office on 07934918638. Please note we are a small team – if leaving a voicemail, please leave your name, number & email address and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
Write to us….
We are based in a beautiful spot right next to Gloucester Cathedral, although please note that our team is mostly remote and therefore the best method of contact is email or phone.
Address: CPRE Gloucestershire, Community House, 15 College Green, Gloucester, Gloucestershire, GL1 2LZ