2021 Awards
Five awards were presented in 2021 at our annual awards ceremony on Wednesday 10th November at the Gambier Parry Hall in Highnam.
Leaf & Ground
Leaf & Ground in Dursley is a former garden centre, and this and the adjoining land has been transformed into an
outstanding visitor destination and asset for the residents of Dursley. At its heart is a high-quality new garden centre and shop, a delicatessen and café, and visitors can also enjoy a lakeside walk and more extensive trails over 20 acres including woodland. Children can play in the fort and there are 32 allotments for the local community.
Award citation: In recognition of the imagination required to identify the potential of this location, and the dedication and skill needed in achieving both quality of execution and joy to its visitors.
Llanthony Secunda Priory Re-formation
Llanthony Secunda Priory is the remains of a once important Augustinian Priory founded in 1136. It is a scheduled
ancient monument. The historic buildings had fallen into decay while their surroundings were occupied by industrial uses. The Llanthony Secunda Priory Trust has transformed the area sensitively restoring listed buildings and landscaping the surrounding grounds including a re-imagining of a medieval physic garden.
Award citation: In recognition of the vision and persistence needed to deliver a complex project resulting in the sensitive restoration of historic buildings, and the provision of a green oasis for the people of Gloucester.
Ozleworth Park Estate
Ozleworth Park Estate has embarked on an ambitious project to improve the environment and manage the estate
sustainably. The work has embraced drystone walling, hedgerow restoration, new planting, new areas of woodland, new ponds, management and restoration of limestone grassland, and measures to support pollinators and farmland birds. The project has admirably demonstrated that farming and conservation can go hand in hand.
Award citation: For the achievements of the Ozleworth Park Estate in conserving and enhancing the landscape and biodiversity, and putting into practice the principles of environmental land management.
Reintroduction of the Large Blue Butterfly to Rodborough Common
Large Blue butterflies have been reintroduced to Rodborough Common in the largest single re-introduction so far.
The key to this success has been dedicated partnership working between the National Trust, the commoners
and statutory and voluntary organisations, and funders which included meticulous research to properly understand the exacting habitat requirements of the butterfly and how they can be created and sustained.
Award citation: For the successful re-creation of suitable habitat and consequent re-introduction of Large Blue butterflies on Rodborough Common through a combination of organisations working together.
Robinswood Hill Welcome and Visitor Centre
Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust’s HQ is at Robinswood Hill Country Park. With sustainable construction at its heart the
building has been imaginatively transformed into an enhanced HQ and a new multiuse community space and café. More visitors are now enjoying the hill, more space is available for Trust staff and volunteers, and events and education programmes have been expanded, benefiting young people and school groups.
Award citation: For providing an attractive new building constructed with sustainability at its heart which has enabled the local community, school groups and other visitors of all ages to enjoy enhanced facilities at Robinswood Hill Country Park.
Photography by Thousand Word Media.