Cotswold District Council

Green Infrastructure Strategy – Consultation ends 26th July
Cotswold District Council are inviting comments on their Green Infrastructure Strategy.
Give your views about how green spaces in your community should be shaped into the future.
Green infrastructure includes parks, playing fields, woodland, allotments and private gardens, as well as cycle tracks and Public Rights of Way, streams and other waterways.
The final strategy will be used to inform future decisions around how the Council will meet the need for new homes, employment, open spaces, schools and leisure facilities.
We will be responding to the consultation here at CPRE Gloucestershire. You can have your say on the link below.
View the draft Green Infrastructure strategy
Consultation ends Monday 26th July.
Cotswold District Local Plan
The Cotswold District Local Plan was adopted in 2018, and runs to 2031.
View the ineractive Local Plan
Review of the Local Plan
Cotswold District Council were due to undertake a partial update of the Local Plan. The Government subsequently published the Planning for the future White Paper and Changes to the current planning system consultation in August 2020. These documents seek to reform the existing planning system and change the way councils plan for new development and determine planning applications.
Cotswold District Council will publish a new Local Plan Development Scheme when they have clarity from the Government on the proposed reforms to the planning system.
We will update this page when we have more information.
To contact Cotswold District Council complete their online contact form here.
What we do
We have 6 district committees who scrutinise Local Plans and individual planning applications, and make representations where development would be particularly harmful with regards to the sustainability of the location and/or the impact of development on the landscape.
This work is carried out by our dedicated and passionate volunteer task force.
The Cotswolds are covered by two of our districts: the North Cotswolds, and South Cotswolds and Tetbury.
If you’d like to speak with your local district committee please email and we’ll put you in touch.
We are looking for people in your area to join the North Cotswolds, and South Cotswolds and Tetbury district committees on a voluntary basis. Find out more below.