
CPRE Gloucestershire is delighted to support a new initiative to help replace trees in our county that are dying from ash dieback.
Titled Ourboretum, BBC Radio Gloucestershire has partnered with the Cotswolds Conservation Board to encourage individuals, families, and schools to grow trees from seed which will be planted out in areas where they should thrive.
It’s the year 2020 and the initial target is to grow from seed at least 2020 trees of three species appropriate to Gloucestershire – oak, beech and hazel.
The seeds – acorns, beech nuts and hazel nuts – will be collected under expert guidance with the aim of each participant planting at least five seeds. Once they have germinated and grown to about 40cm they will be ready to be transplanted.
The trees should be ready for planting in their final position in 2022. They will be planted by volunteers in carefully selected sites as single specimen trees or in small groups. It is hoped some tree planting events can be arranged so that people can plant the trees they have grown themselves.
More info here: https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/articles/3gSC23y0kmPRhzSVCH3ShH6/ourboretum