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CPRE Gloucestershire aid refusal of massive solar farm in Hartpury

CPRE Gloucestershire contribute to the refusal of massive 173 acre solar farm plans for Hartpury. 

CPRE Gloucestershire’s Forest of Dean District Committee appeal against a proposed 173 acre solar farm in Hartpury has been successful. The work of our District committee has aided the refusal of plans that would have detrimental affects on Gloucestershire’s countryside.

CPRE’s Forest of Dean committee state that ‘new development must take into account important characteristics of the environment and conserve, preserve or otherwise respect them in a manner that maintains or enhances their contribution to the environment.’ It was concluded that due to the scale and environmental impact of this plan, that CPRE Gloucestershire would stand against it.

The plan was refused as the solar farm would lead to serious countryside degradation and a severe loss of agricultural land. Moreover, there was insufficient evidence that the plans would not have an adverse effect on archaeological remains and protected wildlife species such as bats.

CPRE Gloucestershire acknowledges the critical importance of increasing energy production from renewable sources, however, we believe that the priority for solar production should be via roofs and ‘brownfield’ sites first, rather than having extensive impact on domestic food production. Using agricultural land would impact food production for decades and significantly contribute to loss of landscape.

To see where CPRE stand on solar farms in the countryside, please see:

CPRE’s stand on solar

To find out more about the solar farm’s refusal please see Gloucestershire Live’s article:

Gloucestershire Live article