Online planning seminars for town and parish councils
Please note new dates: Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th November 2021
Following the success of our online planning seminars in May/June for town and parish councils, we are running them again. They will take place on Tuesday 9th and Thursday 11th November online via Zoom with our planning expert Martin Hillier.
Tuesday 9th November 2021 1.30 – 3.00pm:
Seminar 1: Basic Principles and Decision Making
How the Planning System Works
- Origins and purpose of the planning system
- The two strands: development management and plan-making
Planning applications and sources of information
- Using Council websites
- What to look out for
How to get involved
- Principles for responding to planning applications
Community Infrastructure Levy
- How facilities are paid for
Thursday 11th November 2021 1.30pm – 3.00pm:
Seminar 2: CPRE’s Role and Resources; Plan-Making, and Appeals
CPRE’s Role and Resources
- What the Gloucestershire Branch does
Environmental Impact Assessment
- A brief outline of the need for EIA
- An overview of the process and means of engagement.
Planning Appeals
- Again, an overview of the process and means of engagement
Planning Reform
- What we might expect in the next few months
What can parishes do to shape their future?
- Neighbourhood plans
About the Presenter
Martin Hillier retired from full time employment as a Principal Planning Officer with the Forest of Dean District Council in 2016 but is still acting as a consultant to Gloucestershire CPRE and for a limited number of private clients. He is a member of the CPRE Gloucestershire Forest of Dean district committee.
While working for FODDC he was latterly involved in dealing with enforcement, major planning applications and appeals including attending hearings and public inquiries into mainly large housing schemes. He has previously worked for planning authorities in Bristol, North Somerset and West Devon and has also worked in the China Clay industry. He is a member of the Royal Town Planning Institute and served on the South West Branch Committee for a number of years and helped organise events for members in Gloucestershire.
How to book
To book your ticket to attend both seminars please email with the following:
- Your Name
- Your parish/town council name
- The amount you are paying
- Confirmation you are attending both seminars.
We will reply via email confirming your place and the online zoom link you will need to use to attend. You will also be asked to process the payment which is as follows:
For existing CPRE members: £18 per person per seminar
For non CPRE members: £40 per person per seminar
Our bank details for payment are:
Lloyds Bank
CPRE Gloucestershire branch
Sort code: 30-93-48
Account number: 00142580
** please reference your parish/town council name when making the payment**