News briefing: Greener UK and climate talks
In this news briefing, there is an update about the work of Greener UK and about the important climate change meeting in November which the UK is hosting.
CPRE is part of Greener UK, a group of 13 major environmental organisations, with a combined public membership of over 8 million. United in the belief that leaving the EU is a pivotal moment to restore and enhance the UK’s environment, Greener UK has lobbied to retain and enhance the environmental regulation from the EU.
Greener UK is briefing and lobbying on the agriculture and environment bills as they make their way through parliament. Now Brexit is finalised, the focus shifts to negotiating trade deals. Greener UK will continue to be the route through which we at CPRE add our voice on this issue, with a focus on maintaining high environmental standards. You can find out more on Greener UK’s website.
Another international highlight is the COP26 climate talks in Glasgow in November. This is the latest in a series of meetings held by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to produce an international response to the climate emergency. The conference has been described as the most important gathering on climate change since the Paris agreement was signed in 2015. It’ll be the largest summit the UK has ever hosted, with up to 200 world leaders expected to attend for the final weekend. We plan to have a presence on the conference fringes and we’ll be working with other environmental organisations to highlight what we believe are the solutions to the climate emergency.