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Funding for Parish Councils and community groups for tree planting

Funding is available through CPRE Gloucestershire for Parish Councils and community groups in Gloucestershire east of the River Severn to help address the impact of Ash dieback.

Ash dieback is now widespread across the Cotswolds and in the Vale of Gloucester. It cannot be cured and it is feared that a high proportion of ash trees will be lost over time. Ash is not only important in woodland it is also an important tree in hedgerows, fields, parks and open spaces. Gloucestershire east of the River Severn is the focus for this scheme as this is the area of the county where ash is most predominant in the landscape.

Funding of £10,000 is available in the current calendar year: £5000 from CPRE from a charitable trust, matched by £5000 from the Cotswolds Conservation Board and public donations to its Ash Fund.

Funding to meet the full costs of the trees, stakes and protection is available up to £500 per project. The applicant is responsible for sourcing the materials and undertaking the work to guidelines agreed by the Cotswolds and Vale Ash Dieback Forum.

For further information about the funding available and an application form download the documents below:

Tree_fund_application_form March 2020

Tree_fund_information March 2020

Replacing ash – Key principles and species selection