Do you know the Countryside Code?
The guide for members of the public to follow when visiting the countryside was updated this month.

New advice for people to ‘be nice, say hello, share the space’ as well as ‘enjoy your visit, have fun, make a memory’.

A reminder not to feed livestock, horses or wild animals.

To stay on marked footpaths, even if they are muddy, to protect crops and wildlife.

Information on permissions to do certain outdoor activities, such as wild swimming.

Clearer rules for dog walkers to take home dog poo and use their own bin if a there are no public waste bins.

A refreshed guide for the public rather than a list of rules – recognising the significant health and wellbeing benefits of spending time in nature.

New wording to make clear that the code applies to all our natural places, including parks and waterways, coast and countryside.
Download the Countryside Code
Read more about the updates