Star Count 2023 results are in!
Star Count 2023 results are in!
Use the interactive map to see the affect of light pollution in Gloucestershire!
Map of results
Our 2023 Star Count was one of our biggest yet, with almost 4,000 people taking part! But the results suggest that only 5% of people can enjoy the wonder of a truly dark starry sky.
Although the beauty of a starry night sky is one of the joys of the countryside, our Star Count 2023 results show that, sadly, most people can’t easily enjoy that sight because of light pollution where they live. Three-quarters of people in the UK have an obscured view of the night sky.
Results show that unfortunately, light pollution is obscuring views of the night sky for the majority of us.
Data was submitted from nationwide – from all over the UK!
- 75% of counted stars in area with the worst three categories of light pollution
- 51% counted ten stars of fewer, indicating severe light pollution
- Just 5% counted more than 30 stars, indicating truly dark skies
What you can do to help
CPRE is calling for stronger local and national planning policy to combat light pollution. The National Planning Policy Framework, where these policies are set out, is currently under review. In evidence presented this month to the House of Lords Science and Technology Committee, CPRE recommended that local authorities should have legal powers to control light pollution through planning regulations. Outdoor advertisements are already managed in a similar way. We also suggested key changes to national and local planning policy. If rolled out, these should lead to a step change in reducing light pollution, protecting dark skies and landscapes.
Tell your MP that you want to see new planning policies to rewild our night sky and how they can help.