Cheltenham Borough Council

Cheltenham Local Plan
The Cheltenham Plan was adopted in July 2020 and runs to 2031.
Joint Core Strategy
The Joint Core Strategy (JCS) is a partnership between three councils: Gloucester City Council, Cheltenham Borough Council and Tewkesbury Borough Council.
The JCS was adopted by all three councils in December 2017 and is now undergoing a review.
They are preparing a draft plan for consultation, which is expected to start in late Summer/early Autumn 2021. The proposed timescale for the plan’s preparation is as follows.
- Preferred Options Consultation Summer/Autumn 2021
- Pre-Submission Consultation Winter 2022
- Submission to the Secretary of State Spring 2023
- Examination Summer 2023
- Adoption Winter 2023
If you want to take part in the consultation you need to register.
Register to respond to JCS consultation
To contact Cheltenham Borough Council re the local plan email:
What we do
We have 6 district committees who scrutinise Local Plans, the Joint Core Strategy and individual planning applications, and make representations where development would be particularly harmful with regards to the sustainability of the location and/or the impact of development on the landscape.
This work is carried out by our dedicated and passionate volunteer task force.
Our Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury district committee covers your area. If you’d like to speak with our committee please email and we’ll put you in touch.
We are looking for people in your area to join the Cheltenham, Gloucester and Tewkesbury district committees on a voluntary basis. Find out more below.