What can I do?
We can all do our little bit to help protect our planet from further damage. Here is a helpful list of tips:
Reduce your food mileage
- buy local: find your local butcher, green grocer and milkman (or woman)
- when buying in the supermarket, check which country your food item has been flown in from. How many miles has it flown?
- only buy seasonal fruit and veg
Reduce your plastic consumption
- most supermarkets are selling loose fruit and veg. You can bring your own containers in from home
- check out your local loose food and plastic free shops – there’s one in Stroud, Cheltenham and Gloucester. Simply take along your own containers and fill up!
- say no to plastic bags – bring used ones and bags for life from home
Use kinder to nature products
- there are a few brands that make eco friendly cleaning products and one major supermarket sells their own
- don’t buy scouring sponges to wash up – they do not bio-degrade
- don’t buy and use kitchen roll – this doesn’t bio-degrade either
- recycle recycle recycle – if you can’t recycle at home, find your nearest recycling depot
- if you can walk, and you don’t need to drive, walk or cycle (get your steps in!)
- if you can, buy an electric car, electric points are popping up all over the county
- take the bus and train wherever you can. If you live somewhere and the bus route has been cancelled, we would love to hear from you