Stroud District Council

Local Plan Review – consultation open until 7th July
Stroud District Council is in the process of reviewing the current Stroud District Local Plan.
On 29 April 2021 Stroud District Council approved a Pre-Submission Draft Local Plan for publication. The document is now available for those who would like to make comments on the contents of the Plan. The new Local Plan, when adopted, will set out where development will take place in the District up to 2040 and will also include policies which will be used to assess future planning applications.
The consultation runs for six weeks from Wednesday 26 May 2021 until Wednesday 7 July 2021.
How to respond to the consultation
Complete the online survey on the link below.
Respond to the consultation here
Previous consultations
In August 2020, the Government published proposed changes to the way they calculate the minimum housing requirement for each local authority area in the country. This revised method proposed increasing the requirement for Stroud District from the level set out in the 2019 Draft Local Plan of 638 homes per annum, to 786 homes per annum.
If this new method is confirmed, a revised Draft Local Plan may have to identify further land within the Stroud District for housing. Current monitoring indicates they may have to find land for an additional 1,050 – 2,400 homes between now and 2040.
For this reason, the Council consulted on additional housing options and sites. This took place via an online questionnaire due to Covid-19 restrictions. The consultation has now closed. Our Stroud and Berkeley Vale District Committees jointly responded to the consultation on additional housing options in early December 2020.
Local Plan Review: Additional housing options
Stroud Local Plan
In November 2015, the Council adopted a new Local Plan for Stroud. This plan provides a framework for the District for the period up to 2031.
Download the Stroud Local Plan
To contact Stroud District Council re the local plan email:
What we do
We have 6 district committees who scrutinise Local Plans and individual planning applications, and make representations where development would be particularly harmful with regards to the sustainability of the location and/or the impact of development on the landscape.
This work is carried out by our dedicated and passionate volunteer task force.
Stroud is covered by our Stroud and Berkeley Vale district committees.
If you’d like to speak with your local district committee please email and we’ll put you in touch.
We are looking for people in your area to join the Stroud or Berkeley Vale district committee on a voluntary basis. Find out more below.